Reece Salmons Photography

Hi there! My name is Reece Salmons, and I like to take photos. I was born and raised in San Diego, California, studied Geography/Environmental Studies and Conservation Biology at UCLA, and since then I've been traveling around the US and the world, working in various different environmental conservation and outdoor jobs, and seeking out adventure wherever I can find it. I take my film camera pretty much everywhere; keeping an eye out for a good shot has a way of making me more present in my life, and pushes me to find the beauty in our world. I like to shoot all sorts of different things, but as you may be able to tell, most of what I shoot are landscapes. My favorite photos, though, are the ones where I'm able to capture the intersection between humans and nature. We're strange animals, and there's something beautiful and intriguing about the way that we interact with our environment.
I've spent much of my life outdoors, and I've been able to develop a deep love and reverence for our planet. This relationship really defines my life and where I draw my purpose from. I hope that through my photos, you too feel called to deepen your own relationship with the earth--to get outside and pay attention to the beauty that's right in front of you, if only you look.